YOURSAY | ‘If you did or said something wrong, one must apologise regardless.’

Arab godfather okay, but not Chinese godfather


Zam: Chinese won’t support BN, so no need to say ‘sorry’

yrsayarabgodfather David Dass: Deputy Minister Tajuddin Abdul Rahman is angry at the idea that China will look out for Chinese Malaysians. This is the Umno dilemma.

Make up your minds. Are the Chinese supposed to be Malaysians first? Then all of us, whether we are Malays, Chinese, Indians, etc, must be Malaysians first. And let all political battles be about issues – not race and not religion.

If you set them apart, if you call them ‘pendatang’, if you continually tell the Malays, among other things, that the Chinese minority here is a threat to the Malays, then why complain if China says to you – do not be racist?

China has 1.3 billion Chinese. China is the world’s second-largest economy. China has the world’s largest army. Malaysia needs the Chinese to buy our goods. We need Chinese tourists and Chinese students to come to our shores. We want to be on good terms with China.

So why say things and do things that not only divide Malaysians but also upset China? And Singapore. And Taiwan. All of which are our major trading nations.

Not Convinced: Why Umno is making a fuss about Chinese Malaysians allegedly getting help from China?

After all, their leader and party got help to the tune of RM2.6 billion from a mysterious Arab ‘godfather’.

Kangkung: After Tajuddin, it is now former information minister Zainuddin Maidin’s turn to come up with a racist remark.

It’s like passing the baton so that the topic is kept alive. I am now beginning to believe Umno ministers and members are paid whenever they make a racist remark that gets media coverage.

The racial card is now so useful in diverting attention from PM Najib Razak and his alleged crimes.

Ah-hah!!!: Whether the Chinese support BN or not has absolutely no bearing on whether Tajuddin was wrong.

Then again, Umno-dominated BN is notorious for denying Malaysians in opposition-held constituencies their rightful share of federal funds for development, facilities and such.

So Zam is not exactly saying anything new. It just proves again how bereft Umno-BN is of integrity, morality and a basic respect for right and wrong.

I pity those Malaysians voters – of whatever race – who are still foolish enough to still want to support Umno-BN.

Karuna: Indeed, this is the logic of a moron. Whether the Chinese support you is beside the point. The point is when you have done something wrong, a decent and civilised man would apologise.

Multi Racial: Zainuddin merely confirmed the hypocrisy of Umno. If they do anything nice, it is because they want your votes. If they cannot get your votes, then they don’t care about you.

But Zainuddin missed an important point. If you did or said something wrong, one must apologise regardless.

So if a non-Malay leader said something racist to offend the Malays and just because he doesn’t need Malay votes, will Zainuddin advise that the non-Malay leader to follow his example?

Mushiro: This is akin to saying that since the people are not going to respect Najib then he need not return the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’.

Even our school kids are taught to apologise if they make a mistake or if they are rude, but Zainuddin thought otherwise.

WahBohTai: Malays, do you really want such people to lead you? They pick fights with everyone under the sun to the detriment of the well being of “your” nation.

It took the Chinese ambassador to defuse the tension at Petaling Street, and the non-Malays and moderate Malays to save the nation from a money-grabbing prime minister and his missus.

Meanwhile, these Umno Malays blame everyone else for the nation’s troubles which they themselves caused, and the prime minister and wife are having a fun time abroad.

Gunnerrun: No matter what we do, we will never be treated like “real citizens” but a race or group that is not grateful and is expendable.

What you want is the monetary contribution but apart from that, we are not bona fide citizens. We should not hope for a ‘godfather’ to oversee us. So if we do end up questioning our existence in this country, it’s only natural.

I am thinking we must put on appearances and shouldn’t sympathise with the one holding the trump card even if they need us… and of course, we will not vote for your party in a million years but patiently wait for its demise in due course.

Tholu: Zam, is the Chinese newspapers the mouthpiece of the Chinese? Aren’t they just print media reporting news in the Chinese language?

So if your claim is true that the Chinese newspapers want the Chinese ambassador to be their ‘godfather’ (a claim that I don’t believe), is that the wish of the Chinese populace in this country?

And Zam, are you suggesting that Umno-BN don’t need to have MCA in their coalition since they are not going to bring any Chinese votes for BN?

MCA, if you have any pride and dignity left, quit BN and join Pakatan Harapan unless of course you are more concerned with your government posts and the wealth they bring to your individual self rather than the Chinese community as a whole.

Vijay47: I suppose, Zainuddin, that your latest contribution on courtesy, responsibility, and propensity to uncouth behaviour is further evidence of that virtue you proudly refer to as “Malay dignity”.

I equally suppose I must believe that apologies arise only when votes are at stake and not when a specimen, however exalted he may consider himself to be, indulges in language and conduct most decent people will find offensive, shameful, and contemptible.

Your suggestion to Tajuddin that he not say sorry to the Chinese community is nevertheless quite understandable since coming from the sewers, neither of you possesses any attribute that comes even remotely close to acceptable manners.


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